pp108 : Transition Properties Interface

Transition Properties Interface

This topic describes the tabs and fields that appear in the Transition Properties interface.

General Tab

Group Box



Provide a description of the Transition.


Provide additional notes or information that you may like to record for the Transition.



Trigger transition when

Select this option to enable a set of options, which you may use as a condition to trigger the state transition. The options are:

  • All planned activities in the source state completed
  • The following activity completed
  • The event was raised from the activity
  • The following event was raised

Note: This option remains selected by default, and the All planned activities in the source state completed option remains selected as default transition condition. You can skip this set of options by clearing the check box, and all the options under this section will be disabled.

All planned activities in the source state completed

This option remains selected by default. When you select this option, the transition from the source state to the target state is triggered only after all the planned activities within the source state are either completed or skipped.
If you use a sub-process, either a Business Process Model or a Case model as an activity, and if you terminate that sub-process, state transition will not get triggered. 

The following activity completed

Select this option if you want to trigger the transition upon completion of a specific activity. When you select this option, the corresponding Activity list is enabled, and displays a list of activities that comprise the current state. Select the required activity from the Activity list.

The event was raised from the activity

Select this option if you want to trigger the transition upon completion of a specific event associated with an activity. When you select this option, the corresponding Activity and Event lists are enabled. Select the required activity from the Activity list and select the corresponding event from the Event list. When the Event is raised during execution, the activities in the source state are marked Obsolete and the transition to the target state is considered.

The following event was raised

Select this option if you want to trigger the transition upon completion of a specific event associated with the Case model. When you select this option, the corresponding Event list is enabled and displays a list of events that are associated to the Case model. Select the required event from the Event list. When the Event is raised during execution, the activities in the source state are marked Obsolete and the transition to the target state is considered.

Trigger transition when the condition is satisfied

Select this option if you want the state transition to also consider a specific condition. This property is useful when you want to specify an explicit guard condition for the state transition. This option remains clear by default. You can use this option independently or along with one of the options defined with Trigger transition when.

Click   to open XPath editor, which provides you an option to use an XPath expression as a condition for the state transition.

Trigger state entry event

Select this option if you want to trigger the state entry event of the target state. In this case, all the activities that are immediately followed by one entry construct are released. This property is useful when there is a requirement to configure the multiple transition paths to a state, and only one state entry point must trigger the state entry event.


  • You can select either Trigger transition when or Trigger transition when the condition is satisfied for the state transition, or can select both to specify the state transition. You can select any possible combination for the state transition.
  • If you select Trigger transition when the condition is satisfied and do not provide the XPath condition, an error is displayed as, Provide the state transition condition, while validating the Case model and in the run time no conditional selection is considered.
  • If you clear both Trigger transition when and Trigger transition when the condition is satisfied options, an error is displayed as, Provide at least one of the state transition conditions, while validating the Case model, and the models will not have any means of the state transition.
